Saturday, April 21, 2012

21 weeks

21 weeks on the 21st!
I feel about twice as big as this picture makes me look.

I've been having some really wild {and unpleasant} dreams lately. Mostly just vivid, but last night I had two dreams about my boys either being mistreated or trying to get to them. And I went absolutely nuts on someone when I found out they had hurt Jude. Like, physically violent. I woke up and cried. It was intense.

I've been trying to exercise regularly, it usually ends up being 3-4 times a week although I try for 5. Usually just a good 30 minutes on the bike {although my belly is getting in the way of my knees moving back and forth now} or 30 minutes of my prenatal pilates. Today I managed 10 minutes on the bike before giving up.

But on the upside I've only gained about 2 lbs so far. This is a good thing as I started this pregnancy about 10lbs heavier than I started with at least Noah's pregnancy, possibly Jude's as well {I can't remember}.


  1. Lovin that genuine smile V :) You're gorgeous as always. Hopefully no more crazy dreams :( that makes me sad.

  2. I was going to mention the smile too !!! and Jude - one day he's gonna wear pants :) I pray that God blesses you with peaceful sleep as you give your kids over to His care. I had some nasty dreams too when preggo. Keep up the good don't look big at all! xoxo

  3. hottie with a baby! hello.

    i like you in purple and yellow.
    jude cracks me up! it's like he's trying to do his own belly pose. hahahah

  4. You've only gained 2lbs! wow! well done woman! you excercise 4-5 times per week?!? again, AMAZEBALLS. Also, i love your week 21 pic. Jude is too funny. Hanging out in his pants.


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