Saturday, June 16, 2012


Good gracious I feel large and ungainly.
This morning I told Jamie that I have nothing to wear. Which is a lie. I just have nothing that feels comfortable. I'm big. And I still have at least 11 more weeks to go.
No, it's not all bad. I just have some days where I wake up and I feel huge. And achy. And tired.
We're headed out to MishMash and I'm going to treat myself to some delicious cinnamon raisin bagels.
Maybe I'll weigh myself first because "hello rolls of fat on my back."

**weight gain so far is 10lbs**


  1. Oh, you look amazing...yes, I know it's a profile but hey, we know it's all baby!! xoxo

  2. a. I think you look beautiful.
    b. Can I take some preggers pics of you when I'm in town!?

    1. YES PLEASE to the preggers pics! I have someone who said they would, but not sure if it'll work out. Either way, would LOVE to have some nice pics and I know you'd do an amazing job. :)
      Yippee for one week and one day!

  3. Seriously?!!?!? you've only gained 10lbs and you're already a solid 7 months along? Vanessa Marie! Hoping you wake up tomorrow feeling brighter. Fat rolls? Have you SEEN your skinny preggers pictures with your tiny bum and skinny straight Taylor legs?!!? Woman, get on your bike, do a prenatal pilates and drink 2 large glasses of water. You'll instantly feel better.

    1. Yeah, well I started off 10lbs heavier than I would have wanted to be. AKA not skinny. So there's that. So I just think of the weight gain as: 10lbs + current weight gain = 20lbs gained thus far.
      I should work out. But oh-my-hips. My joints are rebelling against me en masse. I didn't have this with Noah, but definitely remember it with Jude. I feel like an invalid or elderly person with the way I hobble around some days.
      But pilates WOULD be good. 'Tis true.

  4. I agree with Tamsin haha! Wait, Taylors are supposed to have skinny straight legs? I must be adopted hahaha!


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