Sunday, May 27, 2012

26 weeks

After eating something that didn't sit right I haven't really felt like eating for the past day. I lay in bed for the last part of yesterday afternoon and all night feeling my stomach clench and unclench. I thought I was better but then it started again today.
Hopefully it's nothing serious and will pass on its own.
Just resting and looking forward to swimming in Jinja tomorrow until Wednesday.
My stomach looks weird because of the capris waistband pressing into my belly. Awesome.


  1. Oh, that's not fun! hopefully it is nothing but food issues and will pass quickly! Love the idea of you relaxing in a pool...enjoy it... it's been so crazy hot/humid here that our a/c is ON and NO apologies! but I'm wishing we had a pool!

  2. YA swim it up! It feels like summer for reeeaalz here now. I love your last comment. haha you're obviously thrilled with this photo eh? You still look adorable ;)


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