Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So I heard back from Dr. B.
Unfortunately I have low iron and am GBS+. Again.
And he wants to see me tomorrow (but despite my text asking him when tomorrow, I haven't heard back, so it might be deferred until my appointment with him next week? not sure.) so in the meantime I'm probably going to get onto iron supplements which is not going to help with the C-train that I've been riding off and on for the last couple weeks. Boo.
Fiber is my new best friend.

But I'm still getting tons of movement from Mr. Uganda (as our friend James refers to him which I think is hilarious). And yesterday and today I had a couple bouts of some pretty intense "twinges". I hesitate to call them contractions as I don't want to make you think that labour is imminent, but more that my body is just getting ready. Makes me wonder if I'll go pretty fast once he does decide to come. At one point I put my head on the back of the couch, stuck my butt out, and swayed back and forth for a minute or two.

Jude and Noah wanted to know what I was doing. They thought I was being funny. Perhaps I did look it.

It also made me think that I needed to talk more to them about what will happen when Jamie and I go to the hospital, but I don't want them to think I'm going to the hospital every time I walk out the door (which they already do and Noah thought I was telling him because tomorrow I'm going to the hospital to have the baby).  But we went through what would happen if we had to leave in the middle of the night and how Nick/Lisa would be staying with them and helping them with getting dressed and eating breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc.

I even made "Big Brother Bags" last night for fun and put in a few snacks, stickers and a new card game for each of them (Memory for Jude and Crazy 8's for Noah) which they'll get at some point - either once we're gone or if they come to visit us in the hospital (depending on how long I'm there for).

A couple nights ago I lay in bed thinking, "I'm not ready!" Not that I'm scared, but more just a realization of how far along I am already! I'm 38.5 weeks! How did I get here so quickly?!?
But the bassinet/pack 'n play is set up and my bags are packed and Nick is here, so...I guess it's just a matter of time although I'm fully expecting to go over due again and not feeling so grumpy about waiting as I was with Jude.

There's the update! Today was our one year anniversary of living in Uganda. We all went out for breakfast. I had a delicious latte and a waffle with ice cream. Ya that's right. Ice cream for breakfast. Boo yah.


  1. ice cream and waffles for breakfast. rebel. mostly, i'm jealous. sounds amazeballs! I DO think that labour is imminent. I AM WAITING FOR YOUR BABY. hahaha, that sounds weird on a blog comment, but ya know what I mean lady V. Mr. Uganda. Classic. I love ya woman. I'll be praying for your safety, the boys' peace and also just giving thanks. Another baby! And a good familiar team (well Nick is familiar) for the boys to stay home with! Loving you guys muchly!

  2. i forgot to ask. What is GBS again? I hadn't realised that iron levels at this stage was important still. i mean, just so close to the end y'know?

    1. Group B Strep. You can look it up here. (http://www.babycenter.com/0_group-b-streptococcus-screening_1647.bc) Basically it's not harmful to Mother and is quite common in women (comes and goes at any time) but there's a teeny tiny percentage of babies that have had serious complications due to coming in contact with it upon birth.
      Iron levels are huge at this stage in the game. Especially with the potential to lose a significant amount of blood during birth and then during recovery. I experienced some pretty intense weakness right after Noah's birth - couldn't walk to the bathroom - had to crawl. And was pretty pale. But eating and drinking afterward helped a lot. My iron levels for Noah's birth were borderline, basically.
      I had better iron levels with Jude and didn't experience weakness afterward like I did with Noah.
      I think my iron levels are better this time as they haven't really "dipped" until now.

    2. woah. i didn't know. i'll save that link! are you taking iron supps then?

    3. Not at the moment. But I'm trying to remember my prenatal vitamins. Or as Jude calls them, "Vit-ah-mans".

  3. Hey Vanessa
    You are doing so well.. just wanted to stop in and say that.
    And re GBS... I had it and with Benji's birth being almost in the ambulance and no antibiotics for me ... (1.5 hours start to finish!), he ended up contracting a bit of it.. but with some good antibiotics in the hospital for him he was fine after a week or so... Just to encourage you ... the key was to get him tested for it during the first night to watch the white blood count and as soon as they saw it spike they immediately started him on iv. Hope you don't have to walk that route but if you do, remember modern meds allows so much more healthy intervention..
    Trusting all goes well for you.


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