Sunday, August 26, 2012

cramping and other stuff

Last night I had some massive cramping/pain/twinges/contractions (whatever you want to call them) and baby B was moving like CRAZY. Eventually baby stopped moving as much but the cramping was still coming and going. I started thinking about my options;
In the morning Jamie and Nick were going to be leaving to drive an hour away to the airport to pick up Lisa. What would happen if I seriously went into labour?
I pictured myself giving birth at home unassisted.
I pictured Nick going to the airport by himself. But then what about the boys? So I figured out that I could probably call my friend Aletha to come and watch the boys.

Well eventually I fell asleep thinking about these things and didn't wake up until Jamie's alarm went off. No more cramping.

Now everyone is on the way (or at) the airport picking up Lisa and I sit in an empty house.
It's glorious. And it's likely to be the last time I will be alone like this for awhile.
The thought occurred to me that I could go into labour at any moment and give birth at home by myself. It sounds peaceful (really!) and given that everything went normally, it could be done. But then what if something went wrong?
I'm not sitting here freaking out. I'm actually assessing each situation with a clear mind and just pondering all the different outcomes that could happen and (and when) will this baby actually make his entrance into this big, wide world?

In the end, I am not anticipating Mr. Uganda arriving before next weekend although he definitely could. Anything's possible, I suppose. But I am happy to know that my body continues to prepare and get ready to have this baby. I won't be this gigantor for forever! Hooray!

Stay tuned for a picture and explanation of the hows and whys of our room set-up in preparation for baby B.  Coming tomorrow!


  1. Whoa, I was in so much suspense reading that post!

    Sounds like he'll be here soon.

    Hope you enjoy your peaceful time at home today!

  2. yay for room setup pics!! Please do post. The fact that you've got so much going on and still blogging faithfully puts me to shame. I am amazed by you. And if anyone could fine birthing solo at home peaceful, it would be you! :) I do prefer knowing though that everyone is now in the house and that you have Jamie with you to make the hospital trip when Baby B decides its time. How crazy that the body knows what it needs to do to do THIS. It just boggles my mind. It really does!

  3. It's all perfectly natural..yes, even if things don't go as planned, the body will try to do what it ought to do!! (no worries :D) but I am excited for everything that's fallen into place!
    I'm having a hard time imagining this new little surreal for me and I can't wait to be there! love you and praying! Oh! and good for you to plan bags for the boys... they'll love it!


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