Wednesday, August 15, 2012

test results

I sent Dr. Busingye a text today asking if he had received my lab results.
Low iron. Boo. 
He hasn't received any of the other results yet {like the GBS or urine analysis}. 
So we'll see. 
I'll probably have to go on some sort of iron supplements, but in the meantime, I should probably be more diligent to take my prenatal vitamins, yes? Yes. 
My bad.


  1. Folate. i remember folate being a big thing from my nutrition class. i should go study more...

    1. Yeah. Folic acid I think is what is highly recommended for preggers. I think that's the same as folate.

  2. Yup. it's kinda funny, but incredibly convenient.

  3. yeah, I second Beth's comment. you can TEXT your doctor??? Mine requires a phone call at specific hours, not including lunches, no voicemails and at least 2 weeks notice for an appointment! Uganda - I am impressed.

    Boo on the low iron though. Spinach Spinach Spinach. Why do you need to be more diligent on the prenatals? Are you not currently taking a vit daily? Tsk tsk dear friend. Getting on it right away should help though. But spinach is a good one, so are eggs. keep us posted! Love ya.

  4. um, SO hard to remember. the first baby of course you take them, but after that? please.

  5. I text my midwife convenient!

  6. Yeah, it really is! And thanks for the comment! It reminded me to text my doctor again tomorrow morning and hopefully get some results! :) I'm more of a texter myself than a phone person so it suits me just perfectly!


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